Oliver, looking devilishly handsome in black satin, sets a silver tray of stuffed mushrooms and a pitcher of Bloody Marys on the coffin coffee table. Casting his most wicked wink, he joins
If a candle flame suddenly turns blue, a ghost is near.

Sharon Donovan, Author, Echo of a Raven, Touched by an Angel, The Claddagh Ring, Lasting Love, Mask Of The Betrayer, Her Biggest Fan also 'Charade Of Hearts' and 'Kiss Of Death' - starring 'Oliver'- Suspense, Intrigue, Inspirational Romance.
Cherry Bomb Martini
Chocolate Martini
Cosmopolitan Martini
Dirty Martini
Espresso Martini
Green Apple Martini
James bond Martini
Lemon Drop Martini
Mango Passion Martini
Martini Rouge
Metropolitan Martini
Orange Blossom Martini
Pear Martini
Peppermint Martini
Pomegranate Martini
Sexy Devil Martini
Sour Apple Martini
White Chocolate Martini
6th January 2012
Sharon went through heart surgery yesterday, after problems with her heart pump which she had after her heart attack nearly eighteen months ago.
Miraculously, her heart was found to be strong enough now to be restarted. Our prayers have been answered, but please continue to send your prayers and messages for her progress and recovery. It will be a while before she is able to be at her computer again, but we know she'll be anxious to get back to wrting those wonderful romances.Latest update: 9th October 2010
Wheeee! See who's left a comment at the end of all the messages on her 'Get Well' post!
Welcome back Sharon, you've certainly been missed. We know it'll be a while before you can type as much as you'd like to, but even a few lines is great, and proof of your determination and the fact you're getting stronger every day. Go girl, go, we're all right behind you!
(I've removed some of the updates as there were quite a few of them, but I've kept the 'milestones' and it's wonderful that now Sharon can once more post to her blog herelf!) Lyn
Latest update: 3rd October
Sharon's home again and telephoned me all the way across the pond this morning! She's feeling much better and getting stronger and able to read messages and emails on her computer, although she can't manage to type replies herself yet, but she wanted me to let you know how much all the wonderful messages, love and prayers have helped her, and that she really appreciates each and every one. She had a great time a her Book Release party at the Author Roast and Toast on Friday and having so many visitors stop by and join in the fun made her so happy! Lyn
24th September
Mary Beth reports: "Sharon was feeling better this afternoon (Thursday) The first thing she said to me was “my book comes out tomorrow!” She is very excited about this news...She is anxious to talk to everyone and continues to amaze us with her will and courage to get through this hurdle and continue her recovery."
Mary Beth says:Sharon is settled in her regular room back at Allegheny General. She was feeling very good yesterday – they are giving her stomach meds via IV and she was comfortable and had a better appetite. She was sitting up in her lounge chair and was very gabby and we had a nice visit. The drs. Have taken her off the blood thinner for a few days as they cannot do the scope test until her blood has thickened up a bit. They hope to do this test Monday to see what is going on in her stomach. The bleeding has stopped but they still want to do this test. Also she has some fluid in her lungs they want to drain. I believe this will also be Monday. Other than that her heart dr. was very pleased yesterday and said instead of sending her to another hospital again for the physical therapy she may even be able to go home for this and get a home therapist so we will look into these options next week. She does not want to go back to the last place, West Penn! She did not like them there and they did not treat her so nice! Her dr. agreed he would not send her back there! He is so very nice and wonderful bed side manner as well as a great surgeon.
27th August(From Mary Beth) I wanted to let you know that Sharon had a bit of a setback last night and got transferred back to her original hospital, Allegheny General, back in the ICU.
She had a very low sugar episode the night before (Weds) and yesterday was really feeling out of sorts and later in the day she got very sick to her stomach and was bringing up some blood so they wasted no time in getting her back to the ICU where her heart drs. Are. They are going to run some tests today to determine where the bleeding is coming from but did say this is not uncommon after this surgery and she is on blood thinner as well, so hopefully it is just a matter of adjusting some of her medications. She has also had stomach problems in the past which maybe contributing.
Keep the prayers going and I’ll go to see her this afternoon and get back with an update.
PS – Lyn I read her all the reviews you sent yesterday and boy did that perk her up even as sick as she was feeling.
Good Evening! Please join us for a month of ghostly adventures. To enter a chance for the grand drawing on October 31st, leave a comment about a spooky Halloween adventure.
Hi Sharon and Oliver :)
I LOVE the Halloween trivia, I'm an all souls day baby myself (a morning baby, sigh). Growing up I often wished I'd hurried a little more to be born as I would have loved to be a Halloween baby.
I can't say I ever had a spooky Halloween adventure other than going on hayrides at scarey parks (Jason's Woods, Shocktoberfest etc.) I did go to the Poe party at Manheim (PA Ren Faire) and enjoyed an evening of E.A. Poe tales.
Mindy :)
Hi Mindy, wow you really were born close to Halloween! That's really exciting. You know I'm a fan of Edgar Allan Poe, especially spooked by THE RAVEN. Who be knocking at my chamber door, could it be Lanore...
Thanks for sharing. Here comes Oliver with a Bloody Mary and goblin sugar cookies, wink.
Mindy love, a chilling Bloody Mary and an entire platter of goblin sugar cookies, my sweet. We also have Chai tea with cinnamon sticks and spicy apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Enjoy
I like the apple superstitions. Every Halloween my sister has a Halloween party; it's a family tradition. We dress up; my kids go trick-or-treating in the area, come back and we read ghost stories in the dark with a flashlight (we also use props for the stories), and then...we eat. We always have so much fun!
Thank you Oliver, the Chai tea and cookies are perfect (sizing you up & smiling ;) )
I usually have a party around Halloween, costumes please! and I love to collect superstitions (must be the PA Dutch in me ).
Mindy :)
Chai tea it is Mindy my sweet, served with a wink and a smile.
WW my favorite witch of such intriguing beauty. I'm totally bewitched bothered and oh so bewildered! Here's a nice Bloody Mary and a nice hunk of apple pie.
I love superstitions too, Mindy, and legends. It's the Irish in me shining through. Wink
Hi WW, tis your season, sparks fly from your fingertips! Welcome to an entire month of ghostly tales and gothic fun. I love Halloween parties and I remember reading scary stories in the dark with a flashlight, thanks for the memory!
Hi Sharon sweet soul sister - and Oliver you darling man - you may try to look all smouldering and sinister but you're far too charismatic to be scary! (Hugs Sharon and blows kisses to Oliver.)
What a wonderful setting for your first post, and I loved hearing about all the Halloween legends and traditions. We didn't celebrate Halloween as much in the UK when I was growing up, as you do over here, but it's caught on in a big way now and it's fun to enter into the 'spirit' of the season and dress up to greet the 'trick or treaters'.
Lyn dear friend, hugs my dear and a bewitching Halloween. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for decorating my blog with such artistic talent. The Halloween gallery is oh so thrilling. Thank you!
We share our love of legends and superstitions so bring them on, tis the witching hour.
Kisses Lyn my sweet petite and a bewitching Halloween. A large mead for your sweet lips, wink
I love hearing about differant superstitions and halloween traditions. I love Hlloween. It's my favorite time of the year. You sure won't find me as a graveyard though. LOL.
Sue B
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