Deep in the foothills of Red Rock Canyon, a serial killer stalks. He leaves his signature—a skull mask on the corpse. But when the homicide cop realizes the crimes are the reenactment of a case never solved ten years ago--all fingers point to Michael DeVeccio. And when Margot realizes she is married to the killer, her life becomes a living nightmare.
Hello and welcome to Wednesday Spotlight! So you met the villain who played the role of Michael DeVeccio, the “don’t mess with me” cop that portrayed Diego Santiago. Today, it’s time to meet the woman desired by both. Let’s have a warm welcome for the woman brave enough to take on the role of Margot Montgomery. Chelsea Turner, come on out!
Thunderous applause explodes as Oliver escorts Chelsea into the parlor. With a wink and a roguish grin, he plucks a rose from the vase and hands it to her.
Chelsea: (Blush) Thank you! It’s great to be here today.
Sharon: Welcome, Chelsea! Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Before we start chatting about how it felt to play the part of Margot in the video of Mask of the Betrayer, can Oliver get you a drink?
Chelsea: Water is great. I’m a simpleton.
Sharon: Oliver, make that two, please. And perhaps that nice veggie tray and dip you made.
Oliver struts out with the refreshments, winking madly at Chelsea and pumping his biceps.
Sharon: First of all, congratulations on your outstanding performance of the heroine in my book. In all honesty, I admit to losing a few winks over who Triad Productions would choose to play Margot Montgomery in the book video of Mask of the Betrayer. There’s a lot more to the heroine than meets the eye. Margot is smart, business savvy, and has a strong sense of family and morals. Despite her natural beauty that radiates from within, she is somewhat naïve to the evils of the world. When she meets billionaire business tycoon Michael DeVeccio, she is blinded by his devastating charm and good looks. Throwing caution to the wind, she falls head over heels and right into a ghoulish trap. Tell us how it felt to play the role of Margot.
Chelsea: I felt really close to Margot. I felt like we had some real similarities in personality traits, flaws, and (in my imagination) looks. Hopefully, I matched the images in the minds of your readers.
Sharon: Did you feel any empathy toward Margot? Could you see yourself in real life being drawn into such a clever trap by a manipulative madman?
Chelsea: I hope I never have the opportunity to be drawn into a trap like that. To give you an accurate answer to that question, I think a lot of women can sympathize with Margot. Who wouldn’t love to have an attractive, wealthy, and sophisticated man sweep you off your feet? She seemed so innocent it’s hard for me to accuse her of stupidity for not being suspicious.
Sharon: Exactly. And that was precisely the feelings I hoped to evoke from readers. And I agree. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t be caught up in the whirlwind of all that charm? Now, tell us about the wedding scene. The huge and gaudy ring used in my book was the same ring found on the corpse of Lacy Diamond and his ex-wife. How did this make you feel?
Chelsea: Slightly disgusted and undervalued. If I was so special or unique to Michael why couldn’t he get me a different ring? Why did he have to give me the ring that had been on a corpse…?
Sharon: I know! And later in the book, Diego Santiago warns her of this very thing. Let’s chat about the pool scene. It’s dramatic and pivotal to the story. You looked truly terrified when Michael threatened you. Tell us about that scene.
Chelsea: The day we filmed this scene I just showed up, changed into the swimsuit and we started straight into filming. At this point I hadn’t had a real conversation with the actor who played Michael. Here I was in a swimsuit with a guy I had no relationship with. The start of the scene is when I am realizing that Michael is not the man I thought I had married. I knew that I had to make a decision or a plan to escape but before I could come to a conclusion Michael was there. Fumbling with my words, I throw out that I want a divorce. I realized my error right away and the rest of the scene I try to stay strong but, of course, my fear takes the upper hand. I know that he is going to kill me whether I present him with a son or not. How will I survive the next few weeks? I’m not sure, but for a start I just want to stay standing.
Sharon: You were great, playing it up to perfection. Let’s watch the video so we can see Chelsea Turner in action. Oliver, roll the video, please.
Thunderous applause explodes!
Sharon: Can you imagine in real life, a husband making such a demand on his wife? Give me a son or die! What would you do in real life if presented with such a barbaric demand?
Chelsea: I want to say I would RUN!!! But honestly, I think it would be pretty difficult to run from an incredibly wealthy individual such as Michael. He’d hunt me down in five minutes and I wouldn’t have any money to run away with. I would say my only option would be to have him sent to jail before he kills me.
Sharon: And finally, what was your reaction to the madman? What emotions went through you in order to get into character to act with him?

Sharon: Excellent answers!Thank you for joining me, Chelsea, and thank you so much for playing the role of my character with such articulation. Bravo!
Chelsea: Thank you! It was a pleasure to play such a well developed character. Best of luck to you!